Adding TEXTURE to one's life is a metaphorical expression that suggests bringing variety, richness, and depth to one's experiences. This newsletter aims to help you do that through hand-pic [...]



AnnaGrams is a monthly newsletter by Anna Pulley that shares writing clips, dating/sex advice, book recs and freebies, and other feel-good stuff from around the interwebs. I’m honored to [...]

Anchorage Memories VIP Club

Anchorage Memories VIP Club

fill your heart – feed your soul [...]



Did you know this? Fun and interesting facts. [...]

Casey's Catch

Casey's Catch

Casey's Catch is written by me, a former editorial writer for The NY Times and 3 other newspapers, as a mix of political analysis, concern for democracy, the rural life, and the search for b [...]

Say, Oh Say!

Say, Oh Say!

A personal newsletter which discusses the books I've read and everything else that's interesting. Come join me and let's have a conversation. [...]

Is There A Zombie Apocalypse?

Is There A Zombie Apocalypse?

Time is crucial. Those who wait to be warned by the mainstream media are zombies already. Don't be a zombie. [...]

Escape From Clowntown | The Comics of E.R. Flynn

Escape From Clowntown | The Comics of E.R. Flynn

Humorous and twisted comics plus podcast from E.R. Flynn. Weird and funny semi-true tales plus comedic flights of fantasy published weekly on Substack. [...]

The Week That Was

The Week That Was

Quirky news stories from the week prior, published every weekend. [...]