TRANSCEND with Sheila Pryce Brooks

TRANSCEND with Sheila Pryce Brooks

Transcend explores sleep paralysis as a spiritual and transcendental phenomenon, revealing its connection to states of consciousness, lucid dreaming, psychic abilities, non-human intelligen [...]

The Resilient Life

The Resilient Life

The Resilient Life aims to help people become more consistent in following a healthy lifestyle by consistently eating well, exercising hard, and engaging in healthy habits. By subscribing, [...]

Beautiful Things Grow Here

Beautiful Things Grow Here

Creating a safe, nurturing space where we can explore life’s hardest moments and learn how to grow something beautiful from them. [...]



This newsletter posts every week. Answers to questions which people are curious about and important events which happened or will happen reports and articles will be made. With a sleek desig [...]

Creation Awaits

Creation Awaits

Creation Awaits is your gateway to a deeper spiritual journey, offering insightful reflections and thought-provoking articles that reveal how Scripture can illuminate our daily lives. Discov [...]

Break Free from the Internet

Break Free from the Internet

Reshape your relationship with technology. Break Free from the Internet is an exploration of how to reclaim control of our attention and lives in a world increasingly dominated by digital no [...]

Some Other Dad

Some Other Dad

A dad’s real-life experiences of fatherhood, and advice for first time parents [...]

Scripted Sanity

Scripted Sanity

Attempts at clearing the mental clutter for better confusion, one science fact at a time: a bi-weekly newsletter from a pharm.D with too much time on their hands. [...]

Do you know how to say “No”?

Do you know how to say “No”?

I admit it, I'm not great at saying no. But I'm getting better. I realized it was an issue when I would enter a work week with over a hundred items on my calendar. I felt like a gerbil in a [...]

The Brain Food Digest

The Brain Food Digest

Stay informed on the vital link between nutrition and brain health with our bi-monthly newsletter. Curated by Registered Dietitian Sarah Ferreira, each issue provides the latest evidence sum [...]